Gearing Up

Alright, in the wake of the playtest, let’s try get a campaign going.

  1. Here’s a Doodle poll for setting up the next game day/night. Please select whatever times work for you, so Chris and I can schedule the next event.
  2. Make yourself a character.
    • We’re starting with new Level 1 characters for the next game.
    • Check out this rundown on what class/race combinations are available, and char-gen methods to use:
      1. If you’re new to tabletop RPGs, I’d suggest going with a basic Human character in a core class—Fighter, Specialist, or Magic-User—and come up with a compelling backstory for the setting.
      2. If you’re playing a non-human race (Dagonian, Changeling, or Revenant) please check the writeup linked from the page linked above.
  3. You can read up on the setting here. Long story short, it’s a weird alternate history 1680s setting.
  4. Check out the good old Rumor Mill for info your characters will have heard about by the time game day rolls around.

Finally: yes, the playtest is canon, and forms the backdrop of the beginnings of our campaign. Which is to say, that tower and the monastery? They’re both still there… muhahaha.

And there’s other various rumors floating around. You know where to look for that.