Well met, traveler.
Obtenebrations is now defunct. It was the playtest group in Daejeon that I started when I was first working on what eventually became my first RPG book, Fermentum Nigrum Dei Sepulti.
This page remains as a repository of materialsālore, alternative PC races and character classes, magic spells, and other things I developed for a hacked version of Lamentations of the Flame Princess that I refereed with that group.
(“Obtenebrations” is just theĀ darkest, most foreboding word I could think of that rhymes with “Lamentations.”)
The character generator went offline a year or so ago, but everything else should be intact. Check out the navigation menu for the main categories. Feel free to post questions or comments on anything here, especially if you’re playing in the group and need clarifications.